For Donations
We generally do not refund donations but if you have made an error in making your donation, we will honour your request for a refund.
Please note that all requests for refunds must be made in writing by email to us within 15 days of the donation. The request should include the details of the initial donation – including the date, amount, name of donor, tax receipt number and the nature of the error. Any tax receipt issued for the incorrect amount immediately becomes void and invalid, and a new tax receipt will be issued for the corrected donation.
Email us at for any issues or enquiries.
For Furniture Solutions
We only accept PayNow or credit card payment for all online transactions. Once orders are placed, there will strictly be no changes allowed.
All prices are exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated
Once orders are placed, we will contact you to schedule a delivery.
A delivery fee of $40 (Exclusive of GST) applies to all purchases.
We provide an exchange on items that are defective. Strictly no cancellation and refund for orders.
Email us at for any issues or enquiries.
For Plants
All orders are non-refundable. Once orders are placed, there will strictly be no changes.
All prices are exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
If you opt for delivery, we will contact you to schedule a delivery.
For Home-Baked Products
We only accept PayNow or credit card payment for all online transactions.
All orders are non-refundable. Once orders are placed, there will strictly be no changes.
All prices are exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
If you opt for delivery, we will contact you to schedule a delivery.
All orders placed will be ready for collection/delivery after 3 working days.