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Jed Lim

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies A helper who works at the urban farming project at THH, Jed chatted at length with his newfound friend about gardening because the man was interested in plants and had some knowledge of them. Jed works on the urban farming project at THH,...



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Richard Khalil

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies Executive Director of The Helping Hand (THH) Halfway House and an ex-offender himself, Richard Khalil tells us about his 20-year journey of reintegrating into society, which culminated to giving back to the community by helping other ex-offenders along the way. Read on...



Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies For the first time in nearly 30 years, Kumarakuru Arunasalam felt truly free of drugs. He had been clean before but this time it felt different. Proud of himself, and armed with gifts and even a little money, Kumar returned home to his...


Vincent Tan

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies After kicking a 30-year drug habit, this advocate with the Central Narcotics Bureau is sharing his experience to help the young make the right choice. Vincent had been struggling with drugs for 30 years. Today, he devotes his time to ensuring that...


Jason Gwee

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies Ever since he was 15 years old, Jason Gwee had been going in and out of prison for drug abuse. His life was a vicious cycle of serving 2-3 years in prison, getting released and then eventually being locked up again. All in...


Ranjit Kaur

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies Ranjit's Story “I’ll never forget the day I gave my husband an ultimatum” Ranjit Kaur was a homemaker and she had just given birth to her second son when she discovered that her husband had been drinking and doing drugs — again. Under great pressure...


Ah Keong

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies Extract from Chinese Paper Follow Us


Lim Choon Hock

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies “My first loaf turned out like a rock,” shared the 62-year-old. “The yeast didn’t ferment well.” He fought to overcome the challenges and soon “found baking interesting and fell in love with it”. Though he now knows how to make all sorts...


Kiong Lik

Communications Annual Report Audited Financial Statements Annual Magazine Calendar Of Events Community Service E-Newsletter Testimonies 神计划中的一小点 我的名字叫官建立,从小就生长在一个龙虎混杂,三教九流出入活动的地带。身处其环境,深被感化影响下成长,加上性格叛逆和好胜的我,中学念到一半就辍学了,也结交了许多有不良嗜好的少年为友。 我学会了喝酒抽烟,整天无所事事,在外惹事生非,后来竟然也学人吸起毒来。从那时候开始,我的人生就有了更大的变化,警局更成了我常去的地方。 我在监牢里总共度过了13个年头,父母对我彻底的失望,弟妹们也远离我,可说是已经放弃了我这个孩子和哥哥。在我人生走到最尽头的时候,感谢上帝,祂动工了!有句话如此说:人的尽头是神在人身上的开始。 犹记我最后一次在牢房认罪悔改的那一幕,至今还清晰的仿佛在脑海浮现。我双膝跪地向阿爸天父祷告,祈求祂赦免我一切的过犯。我愿意降伏在祂面前,不再靠自己,我要学习完全的交托与仰望祂。从那一夜至今已经五年了,我不再需要靠毒品来过活,烟瘾与不良习惯也靠主恩典一一解脱。 在上帝奇妙的引领下,家人们也逐渐开始接纳回我为家中的一份子。我的祷告就是:祈望我一生紧紧跟随主,愿主使用我,成为祂大计划中的一小点来荣耀祂的尊名。 助理同工 已故官建立弟兄 以上是建立弟兄个人见证的分享。他在2020年9月23 日 安息主怀! Follow Us